Welcome to our Candidates Section

We like to work closely with our candidates: if you don't think your relationship with a recruitment consultant is the same as the one Christiano Ronaldo has with his agent, perhaps you should think again. We may not be able to get you an £80m transfer to a new employer, but we certainly represent your best interests when we forward your details to our clients. Much as Ronaldo trusted his agent, we hope you'll do the same with us.

Fast Moving Job Market

We are noticing that clients want ever faster responses from recruitment companies. Advertising a position and properly evaluating a new candidate is a long process, so we encourage you to register with us upfront using our easy registration process and save precious time.

Register with Minimum Fuss and Minimum Effort

Our candidates have several common gripes about our competitors, particularly that they want excessive amounts of detail before registering you on their database, then never contact you once you've invested hours providing all the information they ask for.

When you register with us, we want to make that initial registration easy, as we know that the recruitment process takes several steps. You can tell us the most about you in the latter stages of recruitment, not at step one!

Minimum Detail

Until there is a role to chat to you about, we need the basics and no more, so at registration we ask only for your CV. With thousands of candidate CVs on our database, we're upfront in saying this means we may not be able to keep in touch regularly. Instead, we're out finding the best roles - and the best candidates to fill those roles. When we've found that ideal role for you, we make no apologies for the thorough interview that follows!

Are you the candidate our clients are looking for?

Register now…

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