What We Expect From You

The relationship between candidate, client and consultancy is a three way professional liaison that in our view should last a long time if it is to be at its most productive. In order for the relationship to work well each part must show respect for the others in the way they behave. This is more difficult to achieve than at first glance because each person has their own thoughts on what a good relationship looks and feels like. There are a few things that we would like you to adhere to as simple rules of thumb:

  • Remember – whether you like it or not you are firmly in the shop window when you attend an interview. If the company is not impressed with the ‘goods’ at that stage they will instinctively believe that they will be even less impressed with the ‘goods’ if they decide to buy them.
  • Be professionally presented at all times in your contact with the client. ‘Dress to the audience’ is the key guidance here:
    • Business attire unless otherwise advised that the company culture is more relaxed. Even companies that dress more casually want to see that you can look very presentable when required.
    • If your normal hair and jewellery use can be described as ‘individual’ then consider if that will be received well by the ‘audience’ or not.
  • One of the biggest turnoffs for companies is a candidate that arrives late. It is so simple to say but you must turn up in plenty of time if you want to stay in contention.
  • Be well prepared for an interview:
    • Read the information we send you at least twice – NB we pass on all that we have received from the company and it is there to help you!
    • Do some company research – Internet, newspapers, magazines, friends and family. If you are struggling then contact us. It is part of the process of helping the company believe that you really do want to work for them (as opposed to just anyone!) if you learn what you can about them. Even better is to ask some well thought out questions about them. You don’t win many Brownie Points for knowing lots about the company but you lose lots for not knowing enough about them!
    • Prepare answers to the basic interview questions that are asked with amazing regularity.
    • Prepare questions and WRITE THEM DOWN. No experienced interviewer will think the worst of you if you refer to a question list in order to make sure you have all the answers you were looking for. If you don’t have questions the interviewers will believe that you are naïve or that you are trying to send a subtle signal that you are disinterested in the job and want to let them down gently!
  • We give feedback after your interview that is well intended. Please take it as such. You will not be successful at every interview so the best you can get out of each unsuccessful interview is some well-intended feedback that may help you in the next one.
  • But it’s not all one-way with what we expect from you – we also make commitments that we strive to achieve without fail. Take a look at what we try to do as consistently as any human being can, by moving to What you can expect in return.
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