Psychometric Profiling

The process of psychometric profiling of people either for recruitment assessment or for development purposes is now well established. In its simplest terms it is asking the individual to complete one or a series of carefully selected tasks in order to better understand them. That something is typically ability, behaviour or personality related. Some companies choose to understand all of those aspects and quite rightly in our view. It can be a very cost-effective way of discovering valuable extra information, just when you need it, to help make better decisions about individuals or teams.

In recruitment, psychometric profiling helps to reduce the inherent risk in the recruitment process. It doesn't take away all the risk but it can help greatly.

Some of the tools we are able to use on your behalf are:

  • Ability tests from a variety of suppliers
  • Personality profiles (16PF or OPQ)
  • Strength Deployment Inventory
  • Belbin Team Profiles

When seeking to develop an individual, a variety of diagnostic tools can be used to identify their strengths and development areas. In this way meaningful and comprehensive data is available for development and coaching.

A number of psychometric tools can be added together for maximum effect in Assessment Centres or Development Centres. Each of these involves more than one individual and can reveal masses of information regarding each of them. The Assessment Centre is used as part of the recruitment process and differs from the Development Centre in that the Development Centre allows time for the individuals to receive individually tailored feedback as well as career guidance and support.

Contact us for a free consultation about your needs.

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